Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Voracious Filmgoer's Top Ten Films of 2012

1. Lincoln
2. Moonrise Kingdom
3. Five Broken Cameras
4. Zero Dark Thirty
5. Bernie
6. Magic Mike
7. Once Upon a Time in Anatolia
8. Haywire
9. Silver Linings Playbook
10. The Grey

11 - 21 (in alphabetical order):
Cloud Atlas, Girl Walk // All Day, Goodbye First Love, Holy Motors, John Carter, Killer Joe, Looper, The Master, Not Fade Away, ParaNorman, Prometheus

Honorable Mentions (also in alphabetical order):
Amour, Bad 25, Brave, The Cabin in the Woods, The Color Wheel, The Kid with a Bike, Life of Pi, Mirror Mirror, Premium Rush, The Queen of Versailles, Skyfall, Snow White and the Huntsman

more bests of 2012

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